We n late November, Indonesian social-media activist Ulin Yusron found himself depicted in a meme. The image, which went viral, falsely portrayed the long-haired journalist that is male Amalia Ayuningtyas — a female election volunteer for the governor of Jakarta. The picture, the writing stated, had been of Amalia immodestly casting down her typical hijab. It asked: “Where’s the Veil??”
Jakarta’s Christian and governor that is ethnically chinese Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, popularly referred to as Ahok — is just a target for hard-line Muslims, who’ve successfully forced the authorities to place him on test for blasphemy. It isn’t astonishing that memes are increasingly being produced that seek to depict the Muslim volunteers in their camp as irreligious and profane.
“once I first saw it, I became in a position to laugh,” Ulin informs TIME concerning the picture collage. Continue reading Where Memes Could Destroy: Indonesia’s Worsening Dilemma Of Fake News. We n belated November, Indonesian social-media activist Ulin Yusron found himself depicted in a meme.