The full time to use it has become. These vocations are a definite thing that is good. We truly need a lot more of them, and now we require guidelines and policies that provide everyday individuals.
PresВidential canВdidates, including Barack Obama, needs to be expected tough concerns on the Iowa campaign path and so the country can discover exactly where the canВdidates get up on bread and butter conditions that matВter most to evВeryday individuals.
That’s precisely what people in Iowa CitВiВzens for Community ImproveВment (CCI) did in the payday loans in Wyoming State Fair the other day whenever we asked ReВpublican presВidential canВdidate Mitt Romney and DemoВcratВic nationwide Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz the way they would strengthen personal SecuВrity, Medicare, and MedВicaid withВout cutting benВefits, and work out Wall Street corporations spend their reasonable share of fees.
Romney’s headВline-grabbing quip — their asВsertion that “corporations are individuals, my friend” — had been like a start working the gut to an incredible number of evВeryday individuals struggling when you look at the midВdle of a good ReВcesВsion that was due to big bank and corporate greed.
RegardВless of just exactly what the Supreme Court claims about business personВhood, the declare that corporations are individuals with inherВent peoples liberties fails the test that is common-sense goes against evВeryday people’s baВsic notions of deВcency, equality and fairness.
But all of the conВtroВverВsy surrounding Romney’s reВmark obscured Romney’s real polВicy proposВals. Whenever a reВtired teachВer from Diverses Moines asked Romney if he supportВed scrapping the Social SecuВrity payroll income tax limit, Romney reacted by saying he supports “progressive cost indexing” for Social SecuВrity and a “highВer reВtireВment age” for personal SecuВrity and Medicare.
TransВlated into EnВglish, this means Romney desires to cut benВefits for Iowa seВniors, a known fact which also should are making headВlines.
AnВothВer misВsed headВline: a lot of Democrats would also like to cut personal SecuВrity, Medicare and MedВicaid as opposed to make big corporations while the super-wealthy pay their fair share.
AfВter Romney’s “corporations are people” gaffe, Wasserman Schultz ended up being fast to issue a stateВment stating that Romney while the GOP are pushВing policies that put corporate interВests prior to the typical good. But Wasserman Schultz, a conВgresswoman from Florida, really voted when it comes to bad financial obligation ceiling deal that cuts trillions in investing withВout any guarВanteed new revВenues and sets up a “super-committee” with a mandate to cut personal SecuВrity, Medicare and MedВicaid benВefits. PresВident Obama had been the DemoВcrat whom signed the bad deal into legislation.
That’s why CCI users also asked Wasserman Schultz questions that are tough hawaii Fair. AlВthough the DemoВcratВic Party has already been raisВing monВey with a brand new TV advertisement tarВgeting Romney and his “corporations are individuals” line, truth be told that the DemoВcratВic Party all too ofВten adopts populist rhetoric while pushВing exactly the same pro-corporate policies since the GOP.
Whenever we attempted to ask Wasserman Schultz to clarВify her — and PresВident Obama’s — poВsition about this problem, she litВerally went far from the concerns as opposed to respond to them. At least Romney enВgaged when you look at the demoВcratВic process, encountered tough concerns and endured their ground.
PresВidential canВdidates and othВer leaders from both poВlitВical parties — including the presВident — need to find out they can expect tough concerns from the Iowa campaign trail and therefore evВeryday Iowans will hold them accountВable with their responses. They should be called out if they don’t answer clearly or honВestly.
There’s too much on the line in 2010 to try out “Iowa good” and let the canВdidates have actually their picture ops and present their stump speeches withВout beВing chalВlenged from the things that reВally matВter — like the way they intend to split down on Wall Street greed and begin placing communities before corporations and individuals before profВits.