Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement users are proud to face in solidarity because of the Occupy Wall Street motion sweeping the country. | KSCMF Ltd.

The full time to use it has become. These vocations are a definite thing that is good. We truly need a lot more of them, and now we require guidelines and policies that provide everyday individuals.

PresВ­idential canВ­didates, including Barack Obama, needs to be expected tough concerns on the Iowa campaign path and so the country can discover exactly where the canВ­didates get up on bread and butter conditions that matВ­ter most to evВ­eryday individuals.

That’s precisely what people in Iowa Cit­i­zens for Community Improve­ment (CCI) did in the payday loans in Wyoming State Fair the other day whenever we asked Re­publican pres­idential can­didate Mitt Romney and Demo­crat­ic nationwide Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz the way they would strengthen personal Secu­rity, Medicare, and Med­icaid with­out cutting ben­efits, and work out Wall Street corporations spend their reasonable share of fees.

Romney’s head­line-grabbing quip — their as­sertion that “corporations are individuals, my friend” — had been like a start working the gut to an incredible number of ev­eryday individuals struggling when you look at the mid­dle of a good Re­ces­sion that was due to big bank and corporate greed.

Regard­less of just exactly what the Supreme Court claims about business person­hood, the declare that corporations are individuals with inher­ent peoples liberties fails the test that is common-sense goes against ev­eryday people’s ba­sic notions of de­cency, equality and fairness.

But all of the con­tro­ver­sy surrounding Romney’s re­mark obscured Romney’s real pol­icy propos­als. Whenever a re­tired teach­er from Diverses Moines asked Romney if he support­ed scrapping the Social Secu­rity payroll income tax limit, Romney reacted by saying he supports “progressive cost indexing” for Social Secu­rity and a “high­er re­tire­ment age” for personal Secu­rity and Medicare.

TransВ­lated into EnВ­glish, this means Romney desires to cut benВ­efits for Iowa seВ­niors, a known fact which also should are making headВ­lines.

AnВ­othВ­er misВ­sed headВ­line: a lot of Democrats would also like to cut personal SecuВ­rity, Medicare and MedВ­icaid as opposed to make big corporations while the super-wealthy pay their fair share.

Af­ter Romney’s “corporations are people” gaffe, Wasserman Schultz ended up being fast to issue a state­ment stating that Romney while the GOP are push­ing policies that put corporate inter­ests prior to the typical good. But Wasserman Schultz, a con­gresswoman from Florida, really voted when it comes to bad financial obligation ceiling deal that cuts trillions in investing with­out any guar­anteed new rev­enues and sets up a “super-committee” with a mandate to cut personal Secu­rity, Medicare and Med­icaid ben­efits. Pres­ident Obama had been the Demo­crat whom signed the bad deal into legislation.

That’s why CCI users also asked Wasserman Schultz questions that are tough hawaii Fair. Al­though the Demo­crat­ic Party has already been rais­ing mon­ey with a brand new TV advertisement tar­geting Romney and his “corporations are individuals” line, truth be told that the Demo­crat­ic Party all too of­ten adopts populist rhetoric while push­ing exactly the same pro-corporate policies since the GOP.

Whenever we attempted to ask Wasserman Schultz to clar­ify her — and Pres­ident Obama’s — po­sition about this problem, she lit­erally went far from the concerns as opposed to respond to them. At least Romney en­gaged when you look at the demo­crat­ic process, encountered tough concerns and endured their ground.

Pres­idential can­didates and oth­er leaders from both po­lit­ical parties — including the pres­ident — need to find out they can expect tough concerns from the Iowa campaign trail and therefore ev­eryday Iowans will hold them account­able with their responses. They should be called out if they don’t answer clearly or hon­estly.

There’s too much on the line in 2010 to try out “Iowa good” and let the can­didates have actually their picture ops and present their stump speeches with­out be­ing chal­lenged from the things that re­ally mat­ter — like the way they intend to split down on Wall Street greed and begin placing communities before corporations and individuals before prof­its.

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