Welcome to The Karnataka State Cooperative Marketing Federation Ltd.
Objectives :
Creation of funds to provide financial assistance to member cooperative institutions and also to fund initiatives taken up by the Federation
To aid member cooperative institutions by providing procurement and marketing avenue for the agricultural crops
To create a storage and distribution channel for chemical, fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, irrigation equipment, green house, steel, cement and other housing and industrial requirements
To provide support for member cooperative institutions, state government agencies and other state and central cooperative institutions or any other institutions involved in agricultural or horticulture activities by constructing, developing, maintaining, renting godowns, warehouses, Cold storage, granary, Green house
To promote agricultural and related activities on own or through strategic alliances between Federation and member cooperative institutions or other state Federations/ institutions and provide logistics support for supply, storage and distribution of fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural implements in order to promote and develop agricultural activities.
In accordance with the Objectives of the Federation, provide loans or financial assistance to member cooperative institutions based on guarantee
To act as an agent or engage other agents for export and import and also to create infrastructure for export/import related activities
To provide assistance to member cooperative institutions for grading, classification, processing, packing and marketing of the agricultural produce
To act as an institution for collection and dissemination of information relating to agricultural markets
To provide all possible technical and scientific guidance and advise to member cooperative institutions
To arrange for freight and transportation
To act as an agent on behalf of Government or any other agency for procurement, supply, distribution of agricultural and related commodities
To supervise and ensure effective functioning of member cooperative institutions by training, guidance relating to both market and financial related aspects
To play active role promoting of market and consumer related activities
To collaborate with private companies, pharmaceuticals and implement schemes for the overall development of member cooperative institutions and which are in accordance with the objectives of the Federation
To arrange training and courses for the Employees of the Federation
To open Offices, Branches, Retail/Wholesale Shops, Showroom, Godown, Warehouses etc.., as required with in the area of operation of the federation
To aid farmers in providing warehouses and also to facilitate providing of loans/advances from Commercial/Cooperative Banks to farmers based on warehouse receipts
To undertake any other incidental or complementary activity which are required to achieve the objectives of the federation